The Future of Social Media and Marketing

I hate to say this, but I've seen the future of social media and marketing and it includes a lot of video. Hey everyone, this is Bob Cargill, it is Monday, October 10, 2016, and am here in the Assayed River National Wildlife Refuge....beautiful day, beautiful afternoon, beautiful evening, and my wife is holding the camera...thanks, Barb, for recording this for my statement, that I've seen the future of social media and marketing and it includes a lot of video...and I said, I hate to say this.

Future of Social Media and Marketing

 Why? Because I'm a copywriter, I'm content person, I'm a writer by trade...but I’m a social media marketer and I follow the trends and if you, like me, follow the trends, you know video is emerging and becoming very, very popular no matter what social media channel you are on.
There is Face book Live, there is Periscope live, and, yes, live-streaming video is the ultimate, but second-best is video like this where you record it, sure, you could edit it and repurpose it across a number of channels and then you have great content that for three reasons (I’m going to give you those reasons in a minute) is very, very popular...probably more so than pictures and much more so than just text alone.

Future of Social Media and Marketing

 Again I stand behind content, copy and just text alone because that's what I do, that is my thing, but I couple it with great images, with video...variety is the spice of life on social media. You have to remember reasons why it's so have the immediacy. Okay. The fact that it is real-time, that people could be watching you in the moment, that's big.

If we're live-streaming. We're not right now. Two other the two out of the three reasons video like this is important...and live-streaming video includes all three reasons, including immediacy...authenticity, the fact that you’re looking at me, hearing words right from my mouth...that carries more credibility than if they were written words...or if they were text included in a graphic...the fact that I'm speaking to you and you see mean you hear me and you feel like you get to know me...that's authenticity, that makes video very, very powerful. And then there’s the transparency. Transparency Is the fact that if I mess up, I'm not editing it, folks. So again, live is even more popular, more trustworthy, if you will, because obviously you can edit that...I could edit this, but I won't...okay, this will come to you unedited later on today or tomorrow, so it's the transparency, it's the fact that what you see is what you get.

what  you hear,

where I am, the fact that I told you Barbara, my wife,  is holding the camera, the fact that I’m moving around now...that's transparency. It's also authenticity...and again, if this was live, it would be immediacy. Okay, now those are the three reasons live streaming and regular video are so, so popular right now and work so, so well on social media. Reasons that people don't do video: there’s a bunch of them. Okay. They are afraid what they look like...oh geez, should i wear a collared shirt or a t-shirt, a hat or no hat, glasses or contacts? People...they really over emphasize and pay way too much attention to how they're going to look. Remember, transparency, authenticity... very, very important. So don't overdo it in the preparations.

Future of Social Media and Marketing

 So that was how are you going to look? What am I going to say? Everyone’s afraid what am I going to say...especially if it's unedited, unscripted, this is, I have notes right here, I referred to them before I started, but if you notice, I'm not referring to them now. This is unscripted and it will be again...but people are afraid to do fear is the biggest reason people don’t do video...fear of how they're going to look, fear of what they're going to say...let's go over a few more things...fear of the surroundings, concern of whether they should have props or should they be outdoors or people are really concerned about that...then they're concerned about just the time it involves and the effort it involves.

Future of Social Media and Marketing

Okay...for some people it’s lot harder and seemingly a much bigger effort to do a video than to write an article. Frankly, for me as a writer, I speak from a lot of experience, doing video is easier...Okay...because it's in the moment, it’s extemporaneous. So bottom line...let me make my point here...bottom line, video is really, really popular for many reasons on social media and in social media marketing. Video, because it’s transparent, because it's authentic, and if it's live-streaming video, it’s immediate, will surface in the content stream much quicker, much more pervasively than written words alone or pictures. Do video because it's an emerging trend, because it's going to help you personally and professionally, your brand and the company you work for. This is Bob Cargill, Monday, October 10, 2016, Assayed River National Wildlife Refuge. Beautiful afternoon. I hope you’re having a great day, I hope you have a great evening and a great work week. Thanks for tuning in. Bye-bye.